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Racism Killed the New Deal (and Gave Us Neoliberalism)
Understanding the racial roots of colorblind “free market” capitalism will help us transition to a better future for everyone.
Color-Blind or Color-Conscious?
The distorted use of MLK’s goal for a colorblind America undergirds the opposition to Critical Race Theory
The Kerner Commission’s 53 Year-Old Message for Minneapolis
This is our chance, Minneapolis. Let’s take the Kerner Commission’s 53 year-old lesson for addressing civil responses to police violence against Black communities. For if we turn our backs on this once-in-a-generation chance to do something different, we simply let the wound and the trauma fester until the next time an MPD officer kills an unarmed Black man.
Welfare Reform Turns 25
Instead of using the framework of PRWORA to provide temporary assistance to needy families, policymakers should look harder at Universal Basic Income programs.
Yes, the NFL’s Race-Norming is Bad — But it is Not an Isolated Case
Unequal outcomes by race are a symptom of existing systemic racism. It often requires a discerning gaze and collective action for systemic racism to be revealed.
An Unequal Price
Fifty-three years after the passage of the 1968 Fair Housing Act that outlawed discrimination in the housing market transactions, Black homebuyers today are still subject to an unequal playing field when attempting to purchase a home.